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Diabetes Prevention & Management Resource Page
What is the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)?
The National Diabetes Prevention Program—or National DPP—is a partnership of public and private organizations working to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes.

The partners work to make it easier for people with prediabetes or at risk for type 2 diabetes to participate in evidence-based, affordable, and high-quality lifestyle change programs to reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes and improve their overall health. The Greater Philadelphia Business Coalition on Health strongly urges our employer members to consider implementing the National DPP as it is an evidence-based program recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to prevent type 2 diabetes by eating healthier, increasing physical activity to 150 minutes per week and losing up to 7% body weight. With this program, diabetes can be prevented or delayed by 58%, and for those 60 and over by 71%, thus saving a company thousands of dollars per at risk employee (more information here).

On a local level, the Philadelphia Diabetes Prevention Collaborative (PDPC) and the DPP Philadelphia Concept City project were created by the Jefferson College of Population Health, with the support of the AMA and CDC, to increase the participation rates in CDC-recognized DPPs. GPBCH is proud to contribute to and raise awareness of this program, alongside fellow local and national stakeholders that include: American Medical Association, American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Health Promotion Council, HealthShare Exchange, Health Federation of Philadelphia, Healthcare Improvement Foundation, American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, American Journal of Managed Care and more.

With support from the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors, GPBCH is also partnering with the Delaware Health and Social Services Division of Public Health to increase employer awareness and implementation of the National DPP lifestyle change program throughout Delaware. Read the the Case for Coverage here.

Where can I find a CDC-recognized Diabetes Prevention Program?
GPBCH Members should contact the Coalition staff for guidance on selecting a program vendor. They can also visit the CDC website to search for vendors nationwide at In addition, contact the Health Promotion Council (HPC), a PHMC affiliate, partners with local, state and national organizations to bring resources aimed to increase availability, awareness, referrals and national coverage of the National DPP.

How is GPBCH involved in the DPP?
GPBCH continues to educate its employer members on the Diabetes Prevention Program and recommends the DPP due to its effectiveness and cost efficiency when considering the expenses associated with treating diabetes. We communicate our support through various educational programs & documents, newsletter articles, and member interest group discussion. Below are several resources created to educate GPBCH members on diabetes prevention and management:
  • GPBCH Diabetes Prevention Program Case Studies Report - In partnership with the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD), with funding from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, GPBCH has issued a report - "Implementing the National Diabetes Prevention Program". The report spotlights six organizations' efforts to implement the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), an evidence-based lifestyle change program demonstrated to markedly reduce weight and prevent onset of diabetes for high-risk individuals. The studied organizations included four employers - VWR, Christiana Care, Latham & Watkins, and the NY Office of Labor Relations -- as well as GPBCH's efforts as a business coalition on health and Healthfirst's efforts as a NY-based health plan. In addition to the individual case studies, the report includes recommendations for employers, derived from the studied organizations, on how best to implement the DPP. To access the report click here.

  • GPBCH Diabetes Vendor Guide - Diabetes is prevalent and costly, and improving diabetes management is a priority for most employers. A wide range of service vendors and other resources are available to assist employers. The Greater Philadelphia Business Coalition has developed the Diabetes Vendor Guide in order to help employers sort through a crowded field. Through internet search and input from the Employee Health and Well-being Interest Group, GPBCH identified service vendors and other organizations that currently offer tools, information, and management programs to help employers in their diabetes management efforts. Click here to access the Diabetes Vendor Guide.

  • GPBCH Type 2 Diabetes Report - This report provides an overview of demographic, utilization, pharmacotherapy, and disability measures for Type 2 diabetes patients in key markets in the Greater Philadelphia area. The report also provides state and national benchmarks that can help providers and employers identify opportunities to better serve the needs of people with diabetes. All data was drawn from the Sanofi Managed Care Digest Series®. Throughout this report, the Philadelphia market includes the counties of Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, and Salem in New Jersey; and Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. Click here for more information and to view the report.

  • National Diabetes Prevention Program in Delaware - Promoting employer implementation of the National Diabetes Prevention Program is a key component of GPBCH’s focus on obesity and diabetes. Along with Delaware Health and Social Services, GPBCH is promoting the National DPP to Delaware employers through news articles and making the Case for Coverage in print and video.The City of Wilmington Case Study illustrates the success of offering the National DPP.
Additional Resources for Diabetes Prevention and Management

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